Educational activities of the Polish Committee for Standardization

Since 2012 the Polish Committee for Standardization in cooperation with the Centre for IT Education and Computer Applications has been organizing a nationwide competition “Standardization and Me”.
It is intended for students and teachers of upper secondary schools of all types. Students submit their works in one of the categories: graphics, film or essay, while teachers - lesson scenarios.
Every year the main theme of the competition is different. In the past years the themes included: "Availability for all, the world without barriers", “The use of standards as a guarantee of product and service quality", "Standards as a guarantee of products safety", or “Standards in environmental protection”.
This year the competition was organized for the seventh time and its theme was "Standards + City = Smart City".
Although the themes differ from year to year, the main goals of the Polish Committee for Standardization for organizing the competition are:
- promoting among young people a perception of the role of technical standards and standardization in their everyday life;
- showing students the difference in approach to using standards;
- encouraging teachers to include the subject of standardization and information of the role of standards in the school curriculum.
It is a tradition that the awards ceremony is held during the conference "Standardization at school" organized by PKN.
The theme of the conference is always linked with the theme of the competition. This year, the participants discussed such topics as: the standardization for Smart Cities, intelligent cities in practice, the challenges of Smart Cities that the public administration had to face and ecological intelligence.
The conference, as usually, gathered headmasters, teachers and representatives of regional education authorities and managing bodies from across the county.
Traditionally, during the ceremonial gala the title of “Promoter of Standardization Education" is awarded.
The title is granted to persons or institutions supporting the education about standardization, spreading the standardization knowledge, taking active part in the process of implementation of standardization education to the practice of teaching. This year the title was awarded for the fifth time.
We hope that the initiatives we undertake support the promotion of standardization system, increase the awareness among the younger generation and engage young people in designing and improving the standardization system.