Copyright to PN
Pursuant to Article 5(5) of the Standardization Act of 12 September 2002 (consolidated version: Journal of Laws of 2015, item 1483), Polish Standards are copyright-protected like literary works, and the author’s economic rights belong to the Polish Committee for Standardization (PKN). The consent of PKN must be obtained in order to publish and distribute Polish Standards on any carrier (paper of electronic ones). The PNs and other standardization products are provided with a marking in the form of a hologram or a watermark. Publishing documents without the PKN’s marking is illegal under the current legislation, and information included in such documents may be incomplete or out of date.
The terms and conditions of exercise of copyrights to the PNs and other standardization documents are set forth in the Reprint Rules.
An infringement of PKN’ rights is a criminal offence subject to criminal proceedings in the meaning of
the Copyright and Related Rights Act of 4 February 1994.
The Polish Committee for Standardization, as a member of the international standardization organizations ISO and IEC and the European standardization organizations CEN and CENELEC, under the agreements signed with them, is contractually bound to protect the copyrights to standards developed in these organizations.