The Golden Octane 2024 for the Polish Committee for Standardization

We are pleased to announce that the Polish Committee for Standardization has been honored with the Golden Octane 2024 award!
The Golden Octane statuette is the most important award of the Polish Chamber of Liquid Fuels. It is awarded to honor Laureates distinguished by their activities, who bring beneficial changes to the fuel market, and by this to the entire economy, in particular to the development of the liquid fuels market in Poland, as well as to those who maintain partnership relations, expand and promote knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship and the fuel and energy markets.
The awards were presented during the conference "Liquid fuels market 2024: Selected issues", which was held as part of the XXIX International Fair PETROL STATION.
The Polish Committee for Standardization was awarded the Golden Octane statuette in the office/institution/committee category for its long-standing cooperation and maintaining good relations with the community of independent small and medium-sized enterprises, and for many efficient and effective actions aiming to improve functioning of the market.
The Deputy President of PKN for Standardization, Ms. Teresa Sosnowska, received the award on behalf of the company.
Thank you for your appreciation and warm words of praise!