The PKN Standardization Compass awards for 2022 have been handed out!

We have been presenting The PKN Standardization Compass award since 2015. Its purpose is to honour individuals and institutions in recognition of their achievements in supporting standardization, including: outstanding achievements and contribution to the Polish standardization, promotion of the voluntary standardization system, significant addition to the promotion of pro-standardization attitude among the society, as well as exceptional activity within the process of standard development.
People presented with the PKN award comprise scientists, researchers, experts in a given sector, active participants of international standardization, committed, creative and open to modern solutions, including broadly defined innovation.
This year, the PKN Standardization Compass went to Prof. Zbigniew Giergiczny, Ph.D. and the POLISH ISO 9000 FORUM Club, on whose behalf the award was received by Marek Roszak, Ph.D. - Club President and Tadeusz Glazer - Club Vice President.
The awards ceremony was held at the PKN’s main office in Warsaw on June 15 this year.