How to manage an organization in troubled times?

How can organizations survive unforeseen circumstances? Standard-compliant management systems are the solution. Thanks to them, an organization increases its chances of successfully overcoming difficulties.
During the webinar, we talked, among others about the role of the business continuity management system in the effective functioning of an organization, changes affecting organization's operations in the context of quality management systems, remote audits during pandemic and the benefits of implementing standards.
Business continuity management is the key aspect in minimizing the risk associated with external threats. The implementation of Quality Management System mechanisms will allow a company to prepare for crisis situations in order to overcome them.
A mature organization operates effectively and efficiently and achieves lasting success by:
• understanding and meeting the needs and expectations of stakeholders;
• monitoring changes in the context of an organization.
To remain an effective company, you need to constantly review your management plans to make
sure that they remain fit for purpose.