PKN conference – Health and Safety at Work in accordance with PN-ISO 45001

Every organization is responsible for health and safety of its employees and other people that may be affected by the activities of that organization. PN-ISO 45001 standard enables organizations to set up, implement and maintain Health and Safety at Work management systems. It reflects the latest concepts and best practices of managing the health and safety issues at work. The Polish language version of PN-ISO 45001 was published on 1st August 2019.
To emphasise the role of standardization in the area of Health and Safety the Polish Committee for Standardization organised a Polish nationwide conference “Health and Safety at Work in accordance with PN-ISO 45001”. The conference was held at the conference centre ‘MS Mermaid’ on 28th November 2019.
Speakers addressed, in the context of PN-ISO 45001:2018, issues related to H&S management system, presented basic terms and definitions of the system and discussed possible improvements of its effectiveness. Participants were acquainted with the legal system related to H&S and the challenges resulted from the new PN-ISO 45001 standard faced by the H&S management system certification bodies.