RM’ Conference 2019

On June 27, 2019, took place the conference "Reference Materials – production and application in laboratories. RM’ 2019", co-organized by the Polish Committee for Standardization, the Polish Centre for Accreditation, the Central Office of Measures and The University of Warsaw Biological and Chemical Research Centre (CNBCh UW).
It was the first gathering of this type in Poland and Europe, showing the role and significance of reference materials and their possible broad applications in establishing measurement coherence and monitoring the validity of test results and calibrations.
Conference participants learned about:
- competence in the production of reference materials;
- standardization in the RM area;
- sources of measurement coherence;
- researches on reference materials and application in research methods.
Teresa Sosnowska – Vice-president of PKN in charge of standardization – in her speech entitled: “Standardization for reference materials” she exposited the standardization system with a particular focus on the activity of Technical Committee 322. The main task of this Committee is to define terms related to reference materials. She stressed that standardization facilitates the implementation of modern solutions in the field of measurements.