Polish Standardization Day 2019 - “The Role of Standards in Development of Industry 4.0” conference

As part of the celebration of the Polish Standardization Day, the Polish Committee for Standardization organized a nationwide conference, with the leading theme “The Role of Standards in Development of Industry 4.0”. The conference took place on May 22 at the Banker's Club in Warsaw.
PKN's Award "Standardization Compass"
The conference was started with the ceremonial handing of the "Standardization Compass" – the PKN’s award. This award is a special distinction and can be given to Polish and foreign natural and legal persons as well as organizational units without legal personality. The "Standardization Compass" is awarded in recognition of achievements in the field of support of standardization, including promoting a voluntary standardization system.
This year two awards were given: to professor engineer Henryk Zobel and National Association of Dairy Cooperatives – Revisory Association.
The role of standards in Industry 4.0
The substantive part of the conference was opened by the President of PKN, Tomasz Schweitzer. He stressed that in shaping of Industry 4.0 very important are standards which are tools for disseminating knowledge and innovation. As a result, they help in building a global market of secure, energy-efficient, interoperable devices and IoT systems.
During the conference, invited speakers presented lectures on, among others, system tools for business support, aspects related to the role of standards in development of new technologies and their security, practical applications of Industry 4.0 solutions, as well as on cyber security issues and Internet of Things concepts in the context of the industrial revolution.
A full report on the event can be found in the May monthly "Wiadomości PKN 5/2019".