Will standardization help in the fight against corruption?

Corruption is one of the most destructive and complex problems of our time. It has very serious consequences – undermines political stability, increases costs of conducting business and contributes to poverty.
According to the World Bank, every year over 1 trillion USD of bribes are passed from hand to hand. This year in October ISO has published ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management systems -- Requirements with guidance for use. On 1st of December Polish Committee for Standardization has organized a conference on “Systemic approach to anti-corruption. ISO 37001”.
During the conference, speakers acquainted the participants with main principles of ISO 37001, discussed practical approach of implementing such system in the company. They also talked about the issue related to compliance systems and compared them with the requirements of the standard.
It was said that corruption is a topic about which we do not want to know. Unfortunately the problem exists and that is why we create systems by which we will know what to do when the problem occurs.