Types of information
We provide free of charge information on, but not limited to:
- the PKN’s collections of standards and other products,
- the validity of individual standards,
- transposition of individual EN, IEC and ISO standards to the national standardization system,
- the prices of individual standards,
- access to information on international, regional and national standards and services of standardization organizations.
The search engine is a practical source of information on the Polish Standards.
Specialized information is provided against a fee, in accordance with the valid price list.
The scope of specialized information includes:
- compilation of lists of PN national standards, as well as international, European and foreign standards concerning a topic requested by the customer,
- explanation of links between national standards and international and European standards,
- information on transposition of international and European standards to national standards,
- supply of bibliographic information,
- checking standards for validity (amendments, corrections, replacements, withdrawals).