
Signing of agreements between PKN and DIN


box_t._bahke_prezes_zarzadu_din_i_t._schweitzer_prezes_pkn_0.jpgOn December 9 at the headquarter of DIN in Berlin it has been signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Polish Committee for Standardization and the German Institute for Standardization (DIN).

From the Polish side the Memorandum was signed by Mr Tomasz Schweitzer, the President of PKN, while from the German side by Mr Torsten Bahke, Chairman of Executive Board of DIN. It was concluded for five years with a possibility of its extension for another five years with the consent of sides.

Memorandum between PKN and DIN was signed in order to exchange knowledge and experience in areas related to standardization. It provides, i. a. coordination of standardization activities in order to achieve harmonization of national standards which are objects of mutual interest of both sides, and places great emphasis on sharing of information on standardization including exchange of views and experiences through enhanced cooperation among experts.  

In addition to the Memorandum, PKN and DIN signed also an agreement on extension of the DIN – TERM portal to terms and definitions from Polish Standards.

The purpose of the DIN-TERM is to provide a resource of terminology to all who deal with the development of standards, but also to other groups of users, like to experts participating in technical committees, to individuals developing technical specifications, to editors and translators, companies involved in international activities, engineers, patent attorneys, as well as to national and international institutions dealing with establishing of technical regulations.

Launching the database is planned for the first half of year 2016. 
